Thursday, October 12, 2006

google is a girl's best friend

I've always thought that Google would take over the world. This week it was confirmed when Google combined Writely, their online word processor, with Google Spreadsheets. To me it is the best thing that has happened since spellcheck.
I was jumping off the walls when I discovered Writely a few weeks ago. I can hardly believe they've finally made soemthing as simple and wonderful as a word processor that can be used online. It's like 'no duh!' sstm (I'm a mature adult, I promise ='D) It's especially wonderful bc I just bought my first MacBook and I've been dying not having all my beautiful folders neatly organized and labeled with their appropriate icons that I spend way too long on. But Writely brought me out of my dissapointment and misery about moving on from the PC that has seen me through so much. (I'm seventeen--I'm supposed to be dramatic)
Anyway, I think it's fabulous to have everything in one place. I have Gmail, Blogger, Calendar, Notebook, Page Creator, Picasa with online photo album, Reader, Talk, Video, Desktop and Personalized Search. Before I had Writely and Spreadsheets, but now they are One. Talk about a novelist's best friend! Call me crazy for being so excited. I probably am, but that's okay. I'm a happy weirdo and that's all that matters.

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AdSense Referral

Just another reason Google is going to take over the world. Plus, it's free! What could be better than that?