Thursday, December 07, 2006

calise goes vlogger...and her contemplation of noses

I am extremely excited because tonight I finally discovered how to put videos on my blog after much confusion... unfortunately, I have a bad cold and would rather puke than be seen by a camera so my excitement will have to be postponed till next week or something. But, it should be good and, with my MacBook's built in iSight (I swear I should get paid for advertising this stuff) I'll be vlogging in no time. You'll get to hear my voice (ooooh) and see my nose in motion (ewww). I know I'm digressing, but I hate my nose. It's pointy and bumpy and gross. And I should know--I'm a bit of a nose connoisseur, you see. I am mildly obsessed with large, aquiline noses. Not wide noses, but ones with distinctive curves and bridges that start up between the eyes. I have a thing for glasses too, and I think it would be so attractive to see a boy whose spectacles were almost too high because his nose got in the way. This began for me several years ago, in 2003, I think. I had another mild obsession with Tom Cruise. When I saw that nose upside-down in the Langley scene in Mission Impossible I was hooked (no pun intended). Watch any Tom Cruise movie and look closely at his nose, you'll see what I mean. That lasted about a year longer than it should have and in the end I was left with a working knowledge of movie release dates and a love for fabulous noses. I could give you several famous examples of gorgeous, large proboscises, but I've found just as many around here that I've met in person. This gives me hope. If I've met at least four good looking boys with noses that would make Caesar proud, then I consider myself validated in my search for one on the face of my eternal mate...if not, I'll get over it, but it would be a nice bonus.
Hopefully I'll introduce the world to moving, talking Calise in the next week so check back, if you will.

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