Tuesday, June 26, 2007

back to y

Goodness, it's been a long time. I'm back at BYU for summer semester now. It's strange, especially since most my friends from winter are gone until fall. With the addition of unexpected housing arrangements this summer has gotten off to a weird start. I've changed my major...twice...and I'm beginning to see a new perspective for my life. I just hope it's the right one. I turn eighteen next month. It seems with each passing year, as I grow older, the world gets larger. Eighteen will be good, I think. I'll be able to vote, sign legal documents, go to the dentist on my own and people won't freak out quite as much when they discover I have the bad habit of dating guys between the ages of twenty-three and twenty-six. I don't know if I recommend going to college at sixteen and a half or not. It's exhilarating and it sure beats two extra years of high school, but it's scary being thrown into a college environment. It's the kind of place where everyone thinks they know everything and, as a freshman, you've just come from a place where you were reassured you knew nothing. Then you don't know which you know--everything or nothing. This may make no sense but I have just come from a fun date and it's 2 am. Is there anything that makes sense at 2 am? If there was, we wouldn't write nearly as well at such hours. I would write something deep and catchy here, but you'd be expecting that.

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